Estreanda Fulord Yates

United States
Business Owner


"I found Samara and Red Moon during a time when I truly lost hope in my ability to ever run again. After numerous doctor appointments and chiropractic work, I found myself feeling defeated because I wasn't making progress. My knees were still in a lot of pain. Then I met Samara and she helped me see my body from a holistic point of view. Within two weeks I was able to do what I wasn't able to do in two years. I was finally able to put on my running shoes and go for a nice run. It sounds small but after not being able to run for two years, it meant the world to me. I missed running. Today, much healing has come from the things Red Moon taught me. Red Moon helped me heal physically and as a result I also healed mentally. I will forever be grateful for Samara's healing hands, sincere heart and the brilliance she brings to her work and Red Moon."



Business Owner